About Us
Regarding Masihi Sahitya Sanstha
Masihi Sahitya Sanstha or MSS (tr. Christian Literature Society) is a pioneer Christian institution that was started by Christian missionaries like Dennis Edward Crane Clarke, Alexander Smyth, Robert Duff, and Dennis John Harvard from the United Kingdom in the year 1954. The society began with a gift of Rs. 100 ($1.50 approx.), some worn-out furniture, and an old typewriter. However, we praise the Lord for His grace and faithfulness in sustaining us and providing for all our needs during the decades gone by.
Our journey has been arduous, but we have remained steadfast and faithful to our commitment to provide God’s Word to the masses in the Hindi World. Incidentally, Hindi is the third-largest spoken language in the world, with over 450 million speakers. MSS prints, publishes, stocks, and distributes quality Christian literature. It is our burden and calling to provide Christian literature at very nominal rates to the millions of souls who are hungry and thirsty for the Word of God in the Hindi-speaking world.
A non-denominational organization, MSS serves numerous rural, semi-urban, and urban churches, organizations, and bookshops through its low-cost literature. We publish a variety of Christian literature which fulfils the spiritual needs of Indian Christians and non-Christians, children, young people, students, and pastors, among others. We also publish evangelistic tracts, booklets, Christian biographies, Christian novels, Biblical stories, health-care books, Bible study books, Bible commentaries, and calendars. MSS also equips writers through seminars and writers’ workshops in the Hindi heartland. We lead one of the largest Christian literature publishing, printing, and distribution networks in the north of India.
We believe in:
a) The divine inspiration and infallibility of the Holy Bible as originally given, and its supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
b) The unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Godhead.
c) The universal sinfulness and guilt of human nature since the fall, rendering man subject to God’s wrath and condemnation.
d) Redemption from the guilt, penalty, and power of sin is only through the sacrificial death of Jesus the Incarnate Son of God as our Representative and Substitute.
e) The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
f) The necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit in rendering the death of Jesus Christ as a personal redemptive work for an individual sinner granting him repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ.
g) The indwelling and outworking of the Holy Spirit in the believer, who is a member of the Body of Christ.
h) The expectation of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We endeavour to:
• Promote quality Christian literature by publishing, printing, stocking, and distributing Christian publications that adhere
to Masihi Sahitya Sanstha’s statement of faith.
• Publish and distribute Christian literature that reflects the society’s vision and promote it both nationally and internationally.
• To collect and maintain a reference library for all Christian literary works.
• To sell or give gratis the literature produced or acquired by society and to subsidise the production of such literature to make it available to the public, institutions, or associations at a low cost.
• To produce, stock, and distribute audio-visual aids for the propagation of the Gospel and the teachings of the Word of God.
• To assist where possible those engaged in the propagation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, provided they subscribe
without any reservation to the Statement of Faith of Masihi Sahitya Sanstha and advance the teachings of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through seminars, conferences, and meetings.
- The printing and distribution of gospel tracts among all denominational and non-denominational churches and organisations in North India.
- Organizing of Writers/Translators’ Workshops in different regions of North and Central India.
- Indian Society: Gospel Outreach programmes for marginalised and poor sections of Indian society.
- We collaborate with Campus Crusade to reach out to young people and university campuses.
- We participate in various book fairs in various parts of India.
- We publish a bi-monthly magazine, “Jeevan Sakshi” (tr. Life Testimony), which is distributed at a nominal cost.